Personalizing the Event Experience

SmartSource Rentals - Personalizing the Event Experience Through Technology

Personalization is more than just a marketing tactic — it’s now a business strategy, which allows event planners to personalize even large scale conferences and events in order to increase attendee engagement. When an attendee is able to navigate an event more efficiently and make better choices in terms of programming, they are more likely to enjoy and find greater value in the event.

“It’s challenging for event organizers and corporate marketers to parse through the myriad of event technology choices to deliver on a personalization strategy. But when they do, they often discover a measurable impact on profitability and brand value.”

– Robert Edwards, Manager of Dynamic Solutions, SmartSource

Working with SmartSource Rentals, Michelle Bruno recently contributed to the creation of a white paper which explains, “How to Use Technology to Truly Engage and Create an Attendee-Centric Event.” The whitepaper covers every step in the attendee journey, including registration, navigation, networking, check-in, and more. Additionally, there are sections reviewing important considerations for data and privacy.

Interested in reading the full document? It’s available as a PDF here.

If you’re looking for Computer & Audio Visual Rentals for your next event, consider SmartSource Rentals.